Freedom Shmeedom

Freedom Shmeedom

by @ 9:17 am. Filed under General

Well, it’s been a fun birthday weekend around here so I’m going to attempt to make this short.


However, I was struck today by an article talking about a dress code in a place in Italy.


How do you define freedom?  Here in the good ole US of A, we seem to have created an idea that a free country should just mean that all have the freedom to do whatever regarding all things… at least within legal parameters, and even that is debated sometimes.


I am here to tell you today that no such freedom exists.  It is inherantly impossible. 


Some less than modest woman might think it’s her right in our "free" country to wear a v-neck shirt cut down to her waist.  However, she is then denying my right in our "free" country to not have to  see her body parts hang out. 


I could go on with this list, but perhaps it is unnecessary.  I believe the point is illustrated. 


Freedom in this country is a farse.


What is the cause of this paradox?  Total moral decay.  Our country was founded as a Christian country.  The founding fathers were Christians.  The freedom from religious persecution is freedom for Christians, not freedom for every made up flavor-of-the-week pagan religion out there.


We have totally perverted the constitution of the United States of  America.  What a sad day and age.


What is the only solution to moral decay and a country in which freedom can be true?

Jesus Christ.  Anyone who doesn’t know him needs to.

to be broken or not to be broken

to be broken or not to be broken

by @ 1:18 pm. Filed under General

"It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men." Frederick
Douglass (1817-1895)
I saw this quote today and I thought it a crucial one to share with today’s world. 


In a society that wants to feminize everything, the broken man is all too common.


This is, in fact, one of the most crucial elements in causing the current fall of our nation.  The most crucial, of course, being so many in our nation turning away from God.


This phenomenon of the broken man generally begins sometime within our public school system.  As our country encourages entry into this system earlier and earlier, we will continue to see a rise in broken boys.


What does this mean?  Well, for those of you who have failed to notice, or are so brainwashed yourselves by the rampant socialism in our culture, our nation is being totally overrun by feminism. 


I realize that to many of you feminism has been made to connotate good thoughts.  Freedom?  Greater opportunity?  Equality?  These are probably the things that most of you think of when you think of feminism.  You are sorely mistaken. 


Feminism in our country is not rooted in biblical truth.  However, this post is not about how we have twisted the noble and crucial roles that women should be fulfilling in our society.  That is for another day.


Today’s post is about men.  We as a culture send our little boys off to the institution of school and they are ruled over  overwhelmingly by female teachers who expect them to behave, act, and react like little girls.


Do you really think little boys and little girls are the same?  That they have the same needs, the same ways of thinking, the same ways of communicating?  If you believe they are the same, I am glad to tell you that you are wrong.  Perhaps your eyes will be opened.


Little boys can rarely learn efficiently in an environment where they are required to sit in one spot for long periods of time, rarely get any physical outlets, and then as punishments, have those little bits of physical outlet available to them snatched away.


  My oldest son went to public school for 3 years.  I spent those three years watching the incredible light in his eyes slowly be put out.  These teachers didn’t care at all about his exceptionally high level of academic ability.  They only cared if he fit into their box and didn’t fall behind or need anything else.


I think another post might be required on that also.  Suffice it to say that my only regret regarding my son’s public school education?? That I ever sent him at all.


This happens to one boy after another.  They churn them through, break their spirit, and we as a country are left without a sufficient number of whole capable men to lead us.


To add insult to injury, most women as wives do not help build their men back up to be able to be real men.  They complete the process by trying to be the boss in their marriage.  This is a sad day and age for families, but I suppose everyone in the country already knows that.


We in this country need to let men be men, and boys be boys that will become men.  Boys will not grow up to become women (at least I certainly hope they don’t… what a perversion). 


We must stop raising boys in our school systems just like girls… it is a travesty, and a detriment to society, to every person everywhere, and most critically, to God.

I had a dream

I had a dream

by @ 12:18 pm. Filed under General

I had a horrible dream this morning. An anti-Christian group had killed all children and forced Christians into a kind of hiding within a compound that was run by non-Christians.


The group had missed two of my children and a handful of other children that also lived in this compound. We had to spend every minute trying to hide our children, keeping them out of sight and quiet.


This was incredibly stressful. I felt thankful every time I would try to disguise my 2 and 4-year-olds as a lump of blankets or something and tell them they had to be totally quiet cause someone was coming and they were quiet.


In the waking from this nightmare, I feel three, maybe four things. The first is such joy in having my children with me and in the freedom to allow God to bless my husband and I with children as He sees fit. What great blessings.


I mourn for those that have not let God show them what joy children are. So many in our society view children as burdens. This is not a biblical attitude. I pray that all will see children as God does – wonderful creations with an ability of trust and faith that most adults have lost.


The next thing that struck me from my sleeping visions is how important the proper training of children is. Unruly children that are not taught to obey their parents would most likely have been found and killed in my dream. Children that obey immediately were a crucial element in survival. I am motivated to continue to be sure my children understand this.


The final thing I would like to emphasize, especially to all Christians is that this day could be coming much sooner than we would like to think. Most Christians live in a kind of euphoria, happy and almost drugged in our freedom within this country. It is already becoming a country that persecutes Christians.


The scenario in my dream is not unrealistic, and while most may not want to think about it, think about it anyway. God gave you a brain for a reason.


It is not ok to sit idly by and let the enemies creep all around until we are vulnerable enough for them to overtake us. We must stand firm against every afront to God in this country.


It’s not okay to be removing crosses and the ten commandments and especially prayer from any venue. This country was founded on these things, and they are what belong within the public eye in our country, and no other religion’s emblems.


The USA was meant to be a Christian country! Why are these things happening here? This country was a threat to Satan, and we are letting him run over our land.


Christians – and this means every single person out there who believes in the true word of God – need to stand against this, not just sit idly by as if having no power.


Christians have the highest power possible through Jesus Christ – we need to let him use us to return this country to him.


Post His commandments on bulletin boards anywhere you can and pray in the public places you go.


Do whatever you can to show the living Christ in our country!


Let God lead you to bring positive change.


Do YOU know how small a mustard seed is?


rad-i-cal adj.
1a : of, relating to, or proceeding from a root.
  b : designed to remove the root of a disease or all diseased and poten-tially diseased tissue
2 : of or relating to the origin : FUNDAMENTAL
3a : having a tendancy or disposed to make extreme changes in existing views, habits, conditions, or institutions
  b : of, relating to, or constituting a political group associated with views, practices, & pol-icies of extreme change
  c : advocating extreme measures to retain or restore a political state of affairs
4 : slang
     rad-i-cal-ness n.

radical n.
1 : a basic principle
2 : ROOT
3 : one who is radical

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radical chic n.
a fashionable practice among socially prominent people of associating with radicals

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